It's coming. October 10, 2009. Yep, it's the next Correspondence Course Weekend. Come on Friday evening, stay overnight, then spend the day with me and my students/staff, practicing skills, talking about the course and other relevant topics, explore the land at Hawk Circle and get answers to your skills and philosophy questions....
It's free. (Bring your own food!)
You don't even need a tent! (We have cabins!)
You won't be given a guilt trip if you haven't been working on the course. We can just hang out and get some new inspiration.
If it rains, we have a great workshop room, heated by woodstove. Come learn, sharpen your knife, make hand drill fires, bark containers, grass mats, or whatever else you want to work on! I will even bring some venison to share around the campfire...
There is the great town of Cooperstown, or Cherry Valley, if you want to bring your family and they want to explore the museums or the lake or the hills. They can stay in the cabins too, and be around while we do our thing. (I
Save the date, and send me an E-mail if you can make it. Let me know what you would like to study or work on, and it will help me plan!
Thanks, everyone and have a great fall!
P.S. The pics are from last spring's Skills Retreat, with Brad and EW. Man, that was a great day!
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